
Potential UAW Strike!

Today by COB the UAW will potentially launch the first simultaneous strike against all of the “Big Three”. I'm pretty stoked, but there's still a tiny chance the Big Three will cave and accept the UAW offer. Is anyone else excited? I wrote about this contract negotiation for my Ethics course project and have been following it for the last six weeks or so. There are huge implications for other sectors depending on how this goes, and I would assume other unions are watching this very closely.

Today by COB the UAW will potentially launch the first simultaneous strike against all of the “Big Three”. I'm pretty stoked, but there's still a tiny chance the Big Three will cave and accept the UAW offer. Is anyone else excited? I wrote about this contract negotiation for my Ethics course project and have been following it for the last six weeks or so. There are huge implications for other sectors depending on how this goes, and I would assume other unions are watching this very closely.

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