
poverty, hunger, homelessness, squalor, pollution, murder, theft, addiction and inequality all exist, because the wealthy want them to.

All of humanity's most pressing and humam issues are manufactured and fabricated. They could all vanish in an instant if any of the mega wealthy and their multinational corporations had a heart. If nonprofits actually were humanitarian and philanthropic and not just a way for these entities to dodge taxes while claiming to be philanthropic humanitarians. Yet, despite the wealthiest and the self-proclaimed most intelligent people in the world being so focused on repairing these issues, and even though millions upon millions of dollars are said to go by toward each and every cause one could think of and some no one can, human civilization as a whole continues to rapidly devolve. Disintegrating into an unrecognizable and incoherent plague upon the earth that spreads like cancer and acts like cancer too. And all of this is intentional. There is enough for everyone. Every person's needs can be met with what…

All of humanity's most pressing and humam issues are manufactured and fabricated. They could all vanish in an instant if any of the mega wealthy and their multinational corporations had a heart. If nonprofits actually were humanitarian and philanthropic and not just a way for these entities to dodge taxes while claiming to be philanthropic humanitarians. Yet, despite the wealthiest and the self-proclaimed most intelligent people in the world being so focused on repairing these issues, and even though millions upon millions of dollars are said to go by toward each and every cause one could think of and some no one can, human civilization as a whole continues to rapidly devolve. Disintegrating into an unrecognizable and incoherent plague upon the earth that spreads like cancer and acts like cancer too. And all of this is intentional.
There is enough for everyone. Every person's needs can be met with what the earth provides. We could do this without depleting resources even.. why don't we do it then? we don't, because some people don't want to share. Some people do not want to only take what they need. Some people don't care that more for them means less for everyone else. And some people want all for them and none for everyone else.

Some people believe that the world exists for them and them alone, and that we should feel grateful that we're even allowed to live. And as things stand right now, they're right. We should.

Changing the world for the better wouldn't cost a dime. It does however, require a change in attitude, an shift in our beliefs and a shit load of empathy, compassion, and appreciation for one another. What we're losing is humanity. We're no longer civilized, everyone is far too selfish, myself included.

When we see human suffering it is up to us to do everything within our power to help that person. Or those people. After all, the shoplifting, theft, addiction, homelessness, most crime, juvenile delinquency, violence, all of these are not individual issues that impact only one individual. They impact communities. Likewise these issues are not caused by solely the addicted individuals, nor is responsibility there's alone to bear. These are all symptoms of a society that is sick. A culture of corruption. Institutionalized demoralization. Systemically end systematically shutting down opportunities and choosing private interests and profits over people.

Money is nice and all, but it would benefit world leaders to realize that their most valuable resource always has been, always will be, and is even now, us. The people.

Most importantly, we the people of anywhere and everywhere must realize our worth. We must reclaim our dignity and treat every human with respect. Poor people and those with mental illness are left out in the streets to die while rapists and murderers are given three hots and a cot, books to read and pen pals. People who can't keep a job are disposable and indeed thrown away, no one thinking twice about whether this is okay when this is true, can you blame anyone for not wanting to acquiesce and play by that society's rules? I don't.

Then again, I am a throwaway.

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