
Powerful and Permanent Solution To The Housing Crisis:

Cap the number of real estate you can own per person at 2. Auction the property of anyone who owns more than 2 properties, with the least expensive being forcefully sold first. Corporations and non-citizens can no longer own real estate. All corporate and foreign owned property will be locally auctioned at the auction as well. Initially, there will be tons of property for auction, so be sure to give buyers at least 2-4 weeks to shop around after posting the list of available properties online. Use a silent-auction style arrangement, with a large table set up for each zip code. Limit 1 property purchase per person, and only people with a W-2 of $10K-$90K and zero properties can bid. Verify income and lack of ownership at a gate/entry point to the bidding area. Let everyone know that homes will be financed at 3% interest, $0 down, $0 closing costs.…

Cap the number of real estate you can own per person at 2. Auction the property of anyone who owns more than 2 properties, with the least expensive being forcefully sold first. Corporations and non-citizens can no longer own real estate. All corporate and foreign owned property will be locally auctioned at the auction as well. Initially, there will be tons of property for auction, so be sure to give buyers at least 2-4 weeks to shop around after posting the list of available properties online. Use a silent-auction style arrangement, with a large table set up for each zip code. Limit 1 property purchase per person, and only people with a W-2 of $10K-$90K and zero properties can bid. Verify income and lack of ownership at a gate/entry point to the bidding area. Let everyone know that homes will be financed at 3% interest, $0 down, $0 closing costs. The “properties per person” limit will be expanded to 3 after prices have collapsed and the working class has been able to acquire a home.

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