
Pressured to give feedback then…punished for giving feedback

I was talking to a colleague about how we don’t feel comfortable giving bosses constructive feedback because of the power dynamic and potential for retaliation. Despite all the corporate PR about how feedback is a gift. Low and behold their boss harassed them for months about feedback and when they finally gave it, the dynamic shifted for the worse. This feedback thing where you can’t win is really a labor torture device. How have you navigated it?

I was talking to a colleague about how we don’t feel comfortable giving bosses constructive feedback because of the power dynamic and potential for retaliation. Despite all the corporate PR about how feedback is a gift.

Low and behold their boss harassed them for months about feedback and when they finally gave it, the dynamic shifted for the worse.

This feedback thing where you can’t win is really a labor torture device. How have you navigated it?

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