
Pro-Capitalist Trolls Here

Is anyone else noticing an uncomfortable # of pro-capitalist trolls in the sub? Someone tried (and failed) to make me feel guilty of flying economy in a plane… not flying a private jet everywhere… economy on a plane, and then went out of their way to fangirl over capitalism… while calling themselves a socialist. Hopefully I'm not just crazy, and other people have been noticing. And to those trolls, you could've spent your time typing in pro-capitalist subs, but you chose to be here. Thanks for telling on yourselves that you're extremely bored with your lives. Guess it doesn't really matter since we're all anonymous, but at least you know it about yourselves. Praying for y'all.

Is anyone else noticing an uncomfortable # of pro-capitalist trolls in the sub? Someone tried (and failed) to make me feel guilty of flying economy in a plane… not flying a private jet everywhere… economy on a plane, and then went out of their way to fangirl over capitalism… while calling themselves a socialist. Hopefully I'm not just crazy, and other people have been noticing.

And to those trolls, you could've spent your time typing in pro-capitalist subs, but you chose to be here. Thanks for telling on yourselves that you're extremely bored with your lives. Guess it doesn't really matter since we're all anonymous, but at least you know it about yourselves. Praying for y'all.

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