

To any company out there considering a “corporate restructure,” maybe wait on that until after the holidays. On Wednesday of this week, the institution I have been employed with for 5 years, laid me off over a Zoom call. I was one of 63 people who got out walking papers. We were well aware that numbers were not good, but I seriously doubt that the business was going to fold if you waited until after the damn holidays to let people go. Just saying.

To any company out there considering a “corporate restructure,” maybe wait on that until after the holidays.

On Wednesday of this week, the institution I have been employed with for 5 years, laid me off over a Zoom call. I was one of 63 people who got out walking papers.

We were well aware that numbers were not good, but I seriously doubt that the business was going to fold if you waited until after the damn holidays to let people go. Just saying.

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