
Probably going to be fired for being sick

Long story short, I experienced a lot of blood loss around 3 weeks ago, and even after two blood transfusions I am still so severely anemic I can’t function. (Severe constant headache, unending nausea, dizziness/lightheaded and unbearably low energy, etc) Because of our fucked medical system, I can’t get an iron infusion until Friday, and it takes a week to take effect. I requested medical leave from work, but was denied. (Unfortunately I’m a newer employee, and don’t qualify for Colorado FMLA laws or temporary disability.) Had a meeting with my boss and HR today where they informed me that I have three options: – Suck it up and work – Be fired, effective immediately – Resign I am SO frustrated. This job (although the pay is a JOKE) is kind of a dream job for me, and the way my industry (journalism) works and how prolific the company I…

Long story short, I experienced a lot of blood loss around 3 weeks ago, and even after two blood transfusions I am still so severely anemic I can’t function. (Severe constant headache, unending nausea, dizziness/lightheaded and unbearably low energy, etc)

Because of our fucked medical system, I can’t get an iron infusion until Friday, and it takes a week to take effect. I requested medical leave from work, but was denied. (Unfortunately I’m a newer employee, and don’t qualify for Colorado FMLA laws or temporary disability.)

Had a meeting with my boss and HR today where they informed me that I have three options:
– Suck it up and work
– Be fired, effective immediately
– Resign

I am SO frustrated. This job (although the pay is a JOKE) is kind of a dream job for me, and the way my industry (journalism) works and how prolific the company I work for is, if I lose this job I will essentially be stonewalled out of the industry in my region for the foreseeable future. I may have no choice but to take a shit ton of Vicodin to cope with the headache and pray I don’t throw up during any interviews.

Anyone experienced anything similar with their employers?

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