
Professionally Threatened – do I have any recourse?

So I used to be a full-time night auditor for a certain hotel & I was working in a pissed off mood for personal reasons. (No, I of course didn’t let my personal life interfere w/ my daily tasks). One of the guests had me reach my boiling point — she berated me with every name in the book, all because we didn’t give her one of our newly renovated rooms. It was 3:42 AM, and I’ve had enough of her bullshit, so I told her to go fuck herself & good luck finding someone to give you a room. I was the only one at the front desk that night and walked out on her. Her jaw was on the floor, like I give a fuck, lol. We use Opera PMS – but before I left, I’ve rolled the business dates 5x and rolled up a sticky note reading…

So I used to be a full-time night auditor for a certain hotel & I was working in a pissed off mood for personal reasons. (No, I of course didn’t let my personal life interfere w/ my daily tasks).

One of the guests had me reach my boiling point — she berated me with every name in the book, all because we didn’t give her one of our newly renovated rooms. It was 3:42 AM, and I’ve had enough of her bullshit, so I told her to go fuck herself & good luck finding someone to give you a room. I was the only one at the front desk that night and walked out on her. Her jaw was on the floor, like I give a fuck, lol.

We use Opera PMS – but before I left, I’ve rolled the business dates 5x and rolled up a sticky note reading “Fuck You” and posted it on my manager’s screen for her to see. I went to my car and texted her that she better get to work – I drove off & blocked her.

My manager sucks. She’s always late & talks down to me whenever I do things my own way that don’t interfere with the hotel (I even got approval by my GM). She’s also insecure because I received a $30 in tips for her accidental fuck up that I had to manually fix – she threatened to write me up if I didn’t clock my tips in as soon as I got them.

I have a tech support gig lined up paying $30/hr + unionized w/ benefits. ofc imma walk out on my own terms if y’all were shitty.

She texted me later that day that she’ll “professionally destroy” me from a diff number – i replied with a simple lol and blocked her. what recourse do I have if she follows up with her threats?

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