I’m an excellent employee in a very demanding and stressful environment. I average around a hundred and forty hours in the 10 day working period of two weeks. Furthermore my performance reviews are excellent and front line staffers know me as a positive and dependable person.
I am not from anywhere even remotely close To here and I have no ties to the area, I move differently. I am also overqualified for my position. The first thing that anyone notices is that nepotism and favoritism are rampant with nearly all of the managers and administrative staff being drawn from a small local group related to each other through marriage, family, or intermingled interests. Their children and subordinate members are littered throughout the lower echelons of the organization as well. This group has alienated and/or purged its locality to the point where the organization imports contract employees to fill nearly half of the workforce and is still woefully understaffed. Especially considering the dangerous environment. I am not a contract employee.
It is very difficult to last past a couple of years here due to burnout. Also the aforementioned admin group have clearly adopted an oppositional stance towards any outsider. Outsiders, no matter their contribution, are subjected to random disciplinary measures. I had been targeted several times but was covered by a barely functioning union and otherwise confident that my own performance would stave off the specter of good ol boy shenanigans that plagues so many rural, isolated communities.
I was promoted a couple of weeks ago to a position that is not covered by the union. I was then placed on administrative leave briefly and issued an unintelligible letter of dismissal on the grounds that my personal conduct was in violation of a few vague organizational policies. I have until Friday on leave and then it will take effect. There was no option included in the letter that granted me a rebuttal and the letter showed that it had been sent out to other state entities as well.
Should I hastily resign?