
Promotion came with a reduction in pay

I still can't wrap my head around it because of how effective the gas lighting was. Over a month ago I was promoted we went from hourly to salary. Great! The company looked at all the overtime I had been taking to complete my work and calculated how much I should get for my salary. Over and over again I was told what a great opportunity this was, and what a great increase in pay this will be. Not only that but they were expanding my team so we would have more people to distribute the labor so we wouldn't have to put in so much overtime. Awesome! Pay raise, and less work! What a great deal. Well weeks went by and my pay never changed. We haven't filled additional roles either so it's just been business as usual with the promise of back pay on the next paycheck that…

I still can't wrap my head around it because of how effective the gas lighting was. Over a month ago I was promoted we went from hourly to salary. Great! The company looked at all the overtime I had been taking to complete my work and calculated how much I should get for my salary. Over and over again I was told what a great opportunity this was, and what a great increase in pay this will be. Not only that but they were expanding my team so we would have more people to distribute the labor so we wouldn't have to put in so much overtime. Awesome! Pay raise, and less work! What a great deal. Well weeks went by and my pay never changed. We haven't filled additional roles either so it's just been business as usual with the promise of back pay on the next paycheck that reflects my increase. Sounds legit I guess? Now we find out that there are some additional responsibilities this team will handle and the new hires will be jumping into that along with myself, not helping me redistribute my full plates of work like I thought. Okay whatever still a nice pay increase. Cut to now, when I've been paid and see that they've taken money from me because I worked over time and got paid for it when I was technically a salaried employee. It was a significant amount that I had to pay back too. So after all is said and done, I am responsible for more, with no help, and now no ability to make overtime but the same expectation to be putting it in. I will lose a few hundred dollars a paycheck and nothing about my job has changed, other than now it's harder.

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