
Prone to burnout or just in the wrong field?

Looking for advice or insight on how to handle what I'm now seeing is a pattern of wanting to leave jobs after ~1yr. A bit of background – I finished a higher degree in 2019 and started my first job in that field Jan of 2020. I lasted a year before my mental health was too bad for me to keep it up. I took a month off to go home, see family, and help my sister with her first baby. Then I went back to doing service industry/kitchen work, which I've done off and on since I was 15 and something I generally enjoy. After about 6 months of that, I was feeling better mentally, but was dipping into my savings to pay rent because we were living in a very high cost of living area. Sooooo, I went back to my field, but in consulting. That shit SUCKED…

Looking for advice or insight on how to handle what I'm now seeing is a pattern of wanting to leave jobs after ~1yr.

A bit of background – I finished a higher degree in 2019 and started my first job in that field Jan of 2020. I lasted a year before my mental health was too bad for me to keep it up. I took a month off to go home, see family, and help my sister with her first baby. Then I went back to doing service industry/kitchen work, which I've done off and on since I was 15 and something I generally enjoy. After about 6 months of that, I was feeling better mentally, but was dipping into my savings to pay rent because we were living in a very high cost of living area.

Sooooo, I went back to my field, but in consulting. That shit SUCKED and I left after 9 months for my current role. I've been in this role for a little over a year, it's 100% remote, it's fine most of the time but boring and not what I 'envisioned', it pays well enough, and I yet, I still just don't want to do it. On the worst days, I hate it and can't leave my work at my desk when I clock out. I spend a lot of time trying to figure out other things to do. It's impacting my mental health and I know my friends and partner are tired of hearing me talk about it.

We moved to a much lower cost of living area about a year ago, so I could go back to something in the service industry, but I'm worried I'll end up hating that too and regretting my choice to leave. I'm concerned I'm just a person who will end up 'burned out' no matter what and I'm worried that leaving my field will mean I wasted years and years in school. Anyone have any advice? Anyone left their trained for 'career' for good and have advice on navigating that? I feel lost.

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