
Protected work activity?

Hello fellow anti workers. I'm curious about how Labor Law would apply in my situation. A few of us at my job are meeting with a union rep (healthcare) and doing mapping in preparation for one on ones and getting a petition signed to file. We are early in the process– it's a big place. So we are in the time where we need to be pretty secretive to keep from being undermined by the admins. In the meantime, I just got called into my supervisor's office and told that I should not air any complaints at staff meetings or discuss concerns about management with the others. This is because of a complaint I made at a large meeting where admins were supposedly “listening” to our concerns– I got a lot of agreement from my coworkers and the admins didn't like it. My complaint wasn't personal– it was about policies…

Hello fellow anti workers. I'm curious about how Labor Law would apply in my situation. A few of us at my job are meeting with a union rep (healthcare) and doing mapping in preparation for one on ones and getting a petition signed to file. We are early in the process– it's a big place.

So we are in the time where we need to be pretty secretive to keep from being undermined by the admins. In the meantime, I just got called into my supervisor's office and told that I should not air any complaints at staff meetings or discuss concerns about management with the others.

This is because of a complaint I made at a large meeting where admins were supposedly “listening” to our concerns– I got a lot of agreement from my coworkers and the admins didn't like it. My complaint wasn't personal– it was about policies that affect all of us, and I did it partly to see how others reacted. To help figure out who to approach next.

I got told I can only contact my supervisor or the VP medical director with any complaints.

I lied that I was agreeing to this. Obviously following that order isn't possible while organizing– we are agitating covertly now. I dislike lying intensely but I didn't want to risk my job.

So far as we know, management doesn't realize we are organizing. But is it still an unfair work practice to give me a restriction like that, even if they don't know what we are up to? I wondered if it falls under the concerted activity area even though we haven't filed yet.

This is my first time organizing.

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