
Proud of you all

As an older person(46) that watches this forum with interest, I can say without reservation I am so proud of this younger generation. So many of you are trying hard and folks put you down saying you don't work hard. I think the hard work and effort is really amazing that you all do! Organize your lives and your work!! Keep it up! It's hard but someone from the older crowd, I see the changes already in places I've worked and seen others working. I also tell everyone about this place and love when I hear a worker complain and I say /r/antiwork it and they lol and say the just might.

As an older person(46) that watches this forum with interest, I can say without reservation I am so proud of this younger generation. So many of you are trying hard and folks put you down saying you don't work hard. I think the hard work and effort is really amazing that you all do! Organize your lives and your work!! Keep it up! It's hard but someone from the older crowd, I see the changes already in places I've worked and seen others working.

I also tell everyone about this place and love when I hear a worker complain and I say /r/antiwork it and they lol and say the just might.

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