
Prove me wrong: I think union members who complain about their union are just downloading their inability to participate in shop floor democracy because they are incompetent or selfish.

Besides those moments when my union truly falls short of their mandate and skirts that line between getting DFR'd or not, a lot of the time my eyes roll back into my eye sockets listening to my fellow members rag on about our union over the most inconsequential, thoughtless, and misinformed b*s*. So many of them are far too selfish to consider breaking relations with management, or are far too cowardly to stand up for themselves, tend to be the most anti-union in my group and experience. They have this idea that our union rep with a budget 100x smaller than our companies legal department, will somehow turn water into wine or overturn labour legislation to win grievances that have more to do with their ego being bruised than actually expanding worker rights.

Besides those moments when my union truly falls short of their mandate and skirts that line between getting DFR'd or not, a lot of the time my eyes roll back into my eye sockets listening to my fellow members rag on about our union over the most inconsequential, thoughtless, and misinformed b*s*. So many of them are far too selfish to consider breaking relations with management, or are far too cowardly to stand up for themselves, tend to be the most anti-union in my group and experience. They have this idea that our union rep with a budget 100x smaller than our companies legal department, will somehow turn water into wine or overturn labour legislation to win grievances that have more to do with their ego being bruised than actually expanding worker rights.

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