
PSIA/AASI was founded by industry groups to take the form and place of a trade union without the collective bargaining aspect

PSIA/AASI is the governing body for ski/snowboard instruction (it's the Professional Ski Instructors of America/American Association of Snowboard Instructors) While it has a typical Apprentice/Journeyman/Master system (called level 1-3 certification for whatever relevant discipline of snow sports), Psia/aasi is not a union and does not represent the interests of snowsports instructors, it only really creates the standardized curriculum that makes ski lessons transferrable from resort to resort. We pay dues to PSIA/AASI every year. Whenever we test for a higher level certification we pay out the ass from our own pockets. There is talk throughout ski schools that PSIA/AASI members are entitled to some yearly raise mandated by the org, but this is not true. We can get discounted prices on sporting goods, but other than that, PSIA/AASI has no interest in actually changing the status quo and making snowsports instruction a viable career for someone who is not already…

PSIA/AASI is the governing body for ski/snowboard instruction (it's the Professional Ski Instructors of America/American Association of Snowboard Instructors)

While it has a typical Apprentice/Journeyman/Master system (called level 1-3 certification for whatever relevant discipline of snow sports), Psia/aasi is not a union and does not represent the interests of snowsports instructors, it only really creates the standardized curriculum that makes ski lessons transferrable from resort to resort.

We pay dues to PSIA/AASI every year. Whenever we test for a higher level certification we pay out the ass from our own pockets. There is talk throughout ski schools that PSIA/AASI members are entitled to some yearly raise mandated by the org, but this is not true. We can get discounted prices on sporting goods, but other than that, PSIA/AASI has no interest in actually changing the status quo and making snowsports instruction a viable career for someone who is not already receiving retirement pay from some other career. It's time to change the ski industry

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