
PTO request to attend husband’s law school graduation was denied.

This was a few years back. I was a teacher in a rural public school. When my husband received his graduation date we learned it fell on the last school day before Christmas break. The district doesn’t allow days before breaks to be requested off because of the tendency for everyone to want that day off to hit the vacation road earlier. With my request I stated the reason, assured administration that I could come in until noon and have everything set up for the Christmas party to be covered by my para and a few volunteer parents. Keep in mind, that many of the kids leave school early that day or don’t even come. I was told absolutely not and that I was expected to be there at the cost of missing a hard earned family event. I have a chronic pain disease that I just work through most…

This was a few years back. I was a teacher in a rural public school. When my husband received his graduation date we learned it fell on the last school day before Christmas break. The district doesn’t allow days before breaks to be requested off because of the tendency for everyone to want that day off to hit the vacation road earlier. With my request I stated the reason, assured administration that I could come in until noon and have everything set up for the Christmas party to be covered by my para and a few volunteer parents. Keep in mind, that many of the kids leave school early that day or don’t even come.

I was told absolutely not and that I was expected to be there at the cost of missing a hard earned family event. I have a chronic pain disease that I just work through most days. So, I left school the day before and went straight to urgent care. I told them I was experiencing a flare up and needed time off work. I didn’t lie, I was in a flare up, the doctor could tell. I just normally medicate, stretch, ice and carry on- you know to be a team player.

I texted the doctor work release note to the principal and said I wouldn’t be in tomorrow, using a paid sick day instead. So, instead of getting me half the day, I stayed home and gave myself a mani/pedi for the ceremony.

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