
Punished for taking 4 hours off

I let them know I would be taking the afternoon off on friday (an interview at a new job but obviously I didn’t tell them that) and they are now barring me from travelling on a work trip I was supposed to leave for on Sunday. Tickets already paid for, already registered, all that. Scheduled my time off with more that the required amount of time according to the handbook. I work at a small startup and so much sits on my shoulders that four hours off apparently means that the world is crashing and burning and I need to be punished for taking an afternoon.

I let them know I would be taking the afternoon off on friday (an interview at a new job but obviously I didn’t tell them that) and they are now barring me from travelling on a work trip I was supposed to leave for on Sunday. Tickets already paid for, already registered, all that. Scheduled my time off with more that the required amount of time according to the handbook. I work at a small startup and so much sits on my shoulders that four hours off apparently means that the world is crashing and burning and I need to be punished for taking an afternoon.

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