
Put my two weeks in; having a great time

Hey everybody! ​ I know we're all pretty cynical and fans of the “they don't give you two weeks notice when they fire you, so why should you give them two weeks notice when you quit” mindset. However, I gotta say, I put my two weeks in two days ago and have never enjoyed my job more. ​ My dumb boss had to put his tail between his legs and figure out another way to train my two work besties because his plan of getting someone to poorly train me, for me to then poorly train them won't work anymore. I gave him a scathing review for all the shady and/or illegal shit I've caught him doing in the last year and a half of working for him on my resignation survey, but HR is pretty overloaded so they should only be getting to it once it's time for me…

Hey everybody!

I know we're all pretty cynical and fans of the “they don't give you two weeks notice when they fire you, so why should you give them two weeks notice when you quit” mindset. However, I gotta say, I put my two weeks in two days ago and have never enjoyed my job more.

My dumb boss had to put his tail between his legs and figure out another way to train my two work besties because his plan of getting someone to poorly train me, for me to then poorly train them won't work anymore. I gave him a scathing review for all the shady and/or illegal shit I've caught him doing in the last year and a half of working for him on my resignation survey, but HR is pretty overloaded so they should only be getting to it once it's time for me to get out of there.

The work besties and I are coasting through, do the minimum amount of work without screwing any other shifts over, and chatting and jamming out to music while we do it. They also said depending on who takes my spot and how things keep going, they'll probably just quit too. I also now have this newfound favorite phrase anytime we're unsure how to do something and can't find anyone to help us figure it out: “I'll just do it. What are they gonna do, fire me?”

All this to say, you absolutely shouldn't take abuse from your higher ups, and you're certainly not gonna change them. Update that resume, find a new job, and move on with your life. However, if you're lucky like me and don't have to directly interact with them all that often, a two week victory lap can be a very cathartic experience.

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