
Put Off By My Bosses Response To Hurricane Idalia

I and my team work from home and we’re all based in different cities across the US. I am the only one who lives in the central gulf coast of Florida and was just hit by Hurricane Idalia last night – I’ve lost power, there is flooding and some destruction. This morning I messaged my team that I lost power and can be reached via my phone but I will avoid joining meetings to conserve my phone battery. She didn’t respond and didn’t even “like” the message. I joined one team meeting and updated them on the flooding around me and how I still don’t have power and she didn’t say anything just jumped straight into work stuff. Not that I’m looking for sympathy but not even a “stay safe” or “sorry to hear that”? The lack of response and care is really off-putting to me. Am I just being…

I and my team work from home and we’re all based in different cities across the US. I am the only one who lives in the central gulf coast of Florida and was just hit by Hurricane Idalia last night – I’ve lost power, there is flooding and some destruction. This morning I messaged my team that I lost power and can be reached via my phone but I will avoid joining meetings to conserve my phone battery. She didn’t respond and didn’t even “like” the message.

I joined one team meeting and updated them on the flooding around me and how I still don’t have power and she didn’t say anything just jumped straight into work stuff.

Not that I’m looking for sympathy but not even a “stay safe” or “sorry to hear that”? The lack of response and care is really off-putting to me. Am I just being sensitive? I feel uncomfortable by her lack of humanity. I don’t know if I’m being dramatic but I almost want to quit – it’d be nice to have a boss that showed a morsel of care for my well-being.

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