
Putting in my 2 weeks this week. Do I use my sick days?

I don't get paid for my sick days, I only have to provide a doctor's note if I call out consecutively and I'm under the limit (called out Friday). I like my manager and my team but upper management outside our department is putting out any fires except for ours. I'm underpaid as a developer and I can't do tier 1 support another day let alone another year. I have to put in my 2 weeks to get my vacation pay or I'd walk.

I don't get paid for my sick days, I only have to provide a doctor's note if I call out consecutively and I'm under the limit (called out Friday).

I like my manager and my team but upper management outside our department is putting out any fires except for ours. I'm underpaid as a developer and I can't do tier 1 support another day let alone another year. I have to put in my 2 weeks to get my vacation pay or I'd walk.

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