I made about 60k in a solidly blue collar job. It's local government work, however my boss acted like our pay came out of his own pocket and was worse about pressuring us to work off the clock and bend over backwards to accommodate his incompetence at managing a functional staff than any private company I've ever worked for ironically. Odd how despite a lack of concern for profit, the labor bullying is even worse.
I prefer not to burn bridges in case my new job doesn't work out so despite how much I hate it, I put in 2 weeks notice. My new job is almost double my salary and puts me into 6 figures.
My boss was civil at first but then wrote me a nasty email how he's disappointed I didn't have the “respect” to tell him when I started applying elsewhere because 2 weeks weren't enough due to their staffing issues.
Now all my coworkers are pissed at me too because they're drinking the Kool aid and instead of being mad that my boss is too cheap to staff the place properly causing them to be overworked, they're mad at me for making it worse.
Sorry boss I'm not gonna turn down a once in a lifetime job opportunity that's next to impossible to get into in the current market because you don't know how to be an effective manager.
The only reason I started applying was I finally reached a boiling point with the way he treated me and his constant write ups he gave me that weren't warranted.
He's treated me like shit the several years I've been there and constantly scolds me like I'm a child. He has done good things for me as well however he is bipolar and can't control his emotions which bleeds into his behavior as a manager. He's also very vindictive and cannot handle being wrong, instead often doubling down when he makes a mistake and blaming me regardless.
I really really wanted to just tell him “thanks for making this decision even easier than it already was” and walking out but I don't want to burn the bridge (in my old industry) if my new job doesn't work out. I'll never work for him again, but I want to make sure I have a fallback somewhere else. If I burn him I risk not getting hired in that industry again.