
Quarterly reviews include if you participated in team activities.

Most of the time I love my job. It pays well and I usually only have to work afound 35 hours a week. I just had my quarterly review and was told part of the metrics they use to measure performance also includes if you participate in team activities. I wouldn't have a problem with this but these activities are on the weekends and not during office hours. We have a team activity today where they want us to all attend a sports game from 6-10pm. I absolutely hate sports. I would pay money to NOT go to a sports game. It's Saturday night and some of the only time I get with my SO. I dont want to spend it with my coworkers pretenting to enjoy a crowded, loud, hot sports game with shitty food. I feel like I'll get dinged on my next performance review if I don't…

Most of the time I love my job. It pays well and I usually only have to work afound 35 hours a week. I just had my quarterly review and was told part of the metrics they use to measure performance also includes if you participate in team activities. I wouldn't have a problem with this but these activities are on the weekends and not during office hours.

We have a team activity today where they want us to all attend a sports game from 6-10pm. I absolutely hate sports. I would pay money to NOT go to a sports game. It's Saturday night and some of the only time I get with my SO. I dont want to spend it with my coworkers pretenting to enjoy a crowded, loud, hot sports game with shitty food. I feel like I'll get dinged on my next performance review if I don't go just because I'm introverted.

Fuck team building let me just do my job and go home.

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