
Question about a job

My father offered me a job doing concrete work making 20$/hr but I have 10-12 hour days and possibly wont have saturdays as well. I also would have a commune of 30-40 min daily there. I currently make 12.50/hr and am tempted to take the offer but in the past ive had a job which worked me 6 days a week 10 hour days and i was exhausted and suffered from major depression/sadness. I totaled my car after a 11 hour day once because i didnt sleep much. Why do companies force people to work these long hours?? Anyways, should i take the oppurunity? My area does NOT have very good jobs and most of them pay minimum wage or a little more.

My father offered me a job doing concrete work making 20$/hr but I have 10-12 hour days and possibly wont have saturdays as well. I also would have a commune of 30-40 min daily there. I currently make 12.50/hr and am tempted to take the offer but in the past ive had a job which worked me 6 days a week 10 hour days and i was exhausted and suffered from major depression/sadness. I totaled my car after a 11 hour day once because i didnt sleep much.

Why do companies force people to work these long hours??

Anyways, should i take the oppurunity? My area does NOT have very good jobs and most of them pay minimum wage or a little more.

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