
Question about holiday pay on leave

Hi there, I might not be in the right sub for this, but I thought I’d try. Feel free to remove my post if it’s inappropriate. I’m currently on family paid medical leave from work to bond and take care of my newborn. So I’m getting paid by the government while I’m off. (I live in WA state) I get six paid holidays through my job, and am wondering if I’m entitled to holiday pay from my work while on leave. I imagine my work won’t go out of their way to pay me a day’s worth of pay while I’m off. So do you think I should email them and ask for the pay? Thanks for any help.

Hi there, I might not be in the right sub for this, but I thought I’d try. Feel free to remove my post if it’s inappropriate. I’m currently on family paid medical leave from work to bond and take care of my newborn. So I’m getting paid by the government while I’m off. (I live in WA state) I get six paid holidays through my job, and am wondering if I’m entitled to holiday pay from my work while on leave. I imagine my work won’t go out of their way to pay me a day’s worth of pay while I’m off. So do you think I should email them and ask for the pay?

Thanks for any help.

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