
Question about unfair treatment

So basically i worked at my previous job for about four months and was not put on the books once. Boss said he would for the longest time but was sending me checks late through venmo every week. Tax deducted aswell. Mind you this is a construction job with a telecommunications company. Never got my social or ID, im curious how this is even allowed? Now I have no record of me ever working there. Can someone please help me out with this situation, its been a week since i left and I still haven’t gotten my last two checks. Everyone gets paid on friday yet im the exception, sometimes waiting till monday or later.

So basically i worked at my previous job for about four months and was not put on the books once. Boss said he would for the longest time but was sending me checks late through venmo every week. Tax deducted aswell. Mind you this is a construction job with a telecommunications company. Never got my social or ID, im curious how this is even allowed? Now I have no record of me ever working there. Can someone please help me out with this situation, its been a week since i left and I still haven’t gotten my last two checks. Everyone gets paid on friday yet im the exception, sometimes waiting till monday or later.

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