
Question. Company fired me and wants laptop/monitor back.

Company fired me. I’m not really upset because they were assholes and the new manager that came in made it pretty clear he wanted me out day 1. They’ve sent a email asking for the company property back which is a monitor and laptop. They said they’ll send a label but i should have saved the original boxes and if I didn’t I need to go buy boxes and padding. My question is, what happens if I A) Refuse to send it back? And/or B) refuse unless they pay for the box? They’ve already sent my final check so they can’t threaten that. I don’t really care about the laptop (it’s so bad I never used it) and the monitor is fairly cheap ($97) but frankly I also mounted the monitor and I’ve moved since I started at the company so I have no earthly idea where the stand went…

Company fired me. I’m not really upset because they were assholes and the new manager that came in made it pretty clear he wanted me out day 1.

They’ve sent a email asking for the company property back which is a monitor and laptop.

They said they’ll send a label but i should have saved the original boxes and if I didn’t I need to go buy boxes and padding.

My question is, what happens if I A) Refuse to send it back? And/or B) refuse unless they pay for the box?

They’ve already sent my final check so they can’t threaten that. I don’t really care about the laptop (it’s so bad I never used it) and the monitor is fairly cheap ($97) but frankly I also mounted the monitor and I’ve moved since I started at the company so I have no earthly idea where the stand went and there was no way I was keeping random boxes around in my 600sqf apartment for them.

And call me petty but I don’t want to be going out of my way, wasting my time to go buy them a box and send it out. To me I feel like if they want it they can provide a box and someone to come get it themselves because I’m not spending my time, money, and gas on doing anything for them.

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