
Question from a “non-USian”: do US unions offer non-work-related perks?

A little background: I live in Denmark and recently graduated. Just before getting hired, I shopped around for unions and found one that represents my “trade”, so joined up online in, like, two minutes. Apart from the obvious political involvement, salary negotiations, legal help, contract checks etc., unions here often have perks that aren't part of work, such as discounts on different insurance policies and “quality-of-life benefits” (sorry, couldn't think of a proper name for it). Mine, for example offers perks that fall into these general categories (one is a fucking wine club, apparently…). I know next to nothing about US trade unions, and from what I understand, they only deal in work-related matters, but surely there are other perks or benefits for being a member? Because of how fragmented unions seem to be, I couldn't immediately find an answer to my question. Also, random final question: what is the…

A little background: I live in Denmark and recently graduated. Just before getting hired, I shopped around for unions and found one that represents my “trade”, so joined up online in, like, two minutes.

Apart from the obvious political involvement, salary negotiations, legal help, contract checks etc., unions here often have perks that aren't part of work, such as discounts on different insurance policies and “quality-of-life benefits” (sorry, couldn't think of a proper name for it). Mine, for example offers perks that fall into these general categories (one is a fucking wine club, apparently…).

I know next to nothing about US trade unions, and from what I understand, they only deal in work-related matters, but surely there are other perks or benefits for being a member? Because of how fragmented unions seem to be, I couldn't immediately find an answer to my question.

Also, random final question: what is the typical cost of union dues per month? Mine is about 239 DKK (42 USD), which I think is on the lower end here.

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