
quick hr rant from friend. help?

So my friend is talking to her department's HR representative about a getting promoted (she's three years already in a construction firm) and here are her observations: Questions her use of “uh-huh” as a way of nodding her head to every statement she hears (e.g. “What does 'uh-huh' mean?”) Insists on being professional, yet gets defensive pretty quickly. Kinda gaslight-y too. Tells people to raise concerns to proper authorities (that is, their own managers) when confronted with valid concerns that HR can raise to proper authorities. My friend has reason to believe that their conversation is being recorded without her permission. I never worked in corporate (I'm a stay at home wife) so I don't have any idea to support her. But I hope you guys can.

So my friend is talking to her department's HR representative about a getting promoted (she's three years already in a construction firm) and here are her observations:

Questions her use of “uh-huh” as a way of nodding her head to every statement she hears (e.g. “What does 'uh-huh' mean?”)

Insists on being professional, yet gets defensive pretty quickly. Kinda gaslight-y too.

Tells people to raise concerns to proper authorities (that is, their own managers) when confronted with valid concerns that HR can raise to proper authorities.

My friend has reason to believe that their conversation is being recorded without her permission.

I never worked in corporate (I'm a stay at home wife) so I don't have any idea to support her. But I hope you guys can.

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