
Quiet Quitting? We’ll just cut your hours.

RANT: To keep it short and sweet, my job sucks. They promised all these sweet benefits and commissions and all this other stuff, telling me if I sold enough devices I could make an extra 2-3 dollars an hour with commissions. I took the job. Shit was not sweet. They don’t offer holiday pay (most jobs I’ve had did offer holiday pay. If they didn’t, you weren’t required to work) yet require you to work holidays. Only it seems they pick and choose which holidays we work because we HAD to work on Memorial Day, HAD to work on Father’s Day, but 4th of July? Take a day off on us pal, and you’ve earned it. (As if Memorial Day and Independence Day don’t go hand in hand) Business is slow because our prices are too high and we’re charging people for services that we don’t really “need” to and…

RANT: To keep it short and sweet, my job sucks. They promised all these sweet benefits and commissions and all this other stuff, telling me if I sold enough devices I could make an extra 2-3 dollars an hour with commissions.

I took the job. Shit was not sweet. They don’t offer holiday pay

(most jobs I’ve had did offer holiday pay. If they didn’t, you weren’t required to work)

yet require you to work holidays. Only it seems they pick and choose which holidays we work because we HAD to work on Memorial Day, HAD to work on Father’s Day, but 4th of July? Take a day off on us pal, and you’ve earned it.

(As if Memorial Day and Independence Day don’t go hand in hand)

Business is slow because our prices are too high and we’re charging people for services that we don’t really “need” to and people are getting smart and figuring this out and clientele has taken a serious hit. Meanwhile other shops are beating us by 20-30 percent on pricing. Some cases being a whole $100 cheaper than us. For christs sake I’m living paycheck to paycheck, voices this to my bosses, and they told me to sell more stuff. Okay, great? To who though, because we sure as fuck don’t have customers.

To sum it all up, this job sucks. I’m not treated like a human being with a life. I’m expected to show up to work with Covid.

(Just wear a mask)

Whenever I mention something about the business or something to be improved, I’m shot down or ignored.

I’m tired of it. So I’ve been putting in the bare minimum effort as required by me. And because I’m not going above and beyond and squeezing every penny out of the customer, my hours are being cut.

Jokes on them, I’ll just go get another part time job and they’re stuck with me. “Quiet termination” is a thing and it’s despicable.

I hate corporations. I hate working for someone who treats me like a robot and still expects me to bend over backwards for them.

Nope. Some might say I’m lazy, get fucked. You might be happy with being a corporate slave but I’m not. I’m a human being and I have rights. I deserve to go to work and not be miserable because of how the business is run, and it consequently affecting me and my life.

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