
Quit a job after one shift, I worked 7.5 hours. Tried getting my money in cash the day I quit, they email me a few days later saying to come pick it up in person.

This is in NYC. Is there a law or something that I can email him back with so that he can send me the cash through mail? I don’t really have the money to catch a bus to NY, I live in a neighboring state. This is exactly why I tried getting my money in cash that same day, but they told me that I still had to fill out the onboarding information for tax purposes. He emails me saying that the tax couldn’t go through (a lazy lie?) and that I’ll have to come in to pick it up as cash. I don’t have a written contract unfortunately, so they screwed me out of the credit card tips I was to make for that shift and they’re underpaying me $1/hr for it. Please any advice, thank you all so much.

This is in NYC. Is there a law or something that I can email him back with so that he can send me the cash through mail? I don’t really have the money to catch a bus to NY, I live in a neighboring state. This is exactly why I tried getting my money in cash that same day, but they told me that I still had to fill out the onboarding information for tax purposes. He emails me saying that the tax couldn’t go through (a lazy lie?) and that I’ll have to come in to pick it up as cash. I don’t have a written contract unfortunately, so they screwed me out of the credit card tips I was to make for that shift and they’re underpaying me $1/hr for it. Please any advice, thank you all so much.

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