
Quit my job, bad mistake to give 2 weeks notice.

My “lead” would not stop with the micro-management, and after 5 meetings with my director and vice president telling them they need to get her off my ass, nothing changed. I got fed up last week and put my notice in. Last day will be December 8th. They asked what they could do to make me stay. When I said to get the “lead” off my ass, they said they have tried, she just doesn't listen. They have tried, I have been in the meetings when they have told her to stop. She just….didn't!! And of course, no punishment. Nothing changed. And this folks is why “people don't want to work”. You have this women who is in her late 50s, micro-managing everyone in her department, who refuses to change, who makes mistakes daily that I have to fix, but because she has been here 20 years and is “in”…

My “lead” would not stop with the micro-management, and after 5 meetings with my director and vice president telling them they need to get her off my ass, nothing changed. I got fed up last week and put my notice in. Last day will be December 8th. They asked what they could do to make me stay. When I said to get the “lead” off my ass, they said they have tried, she just doesn't listen.

They have tried, I have been in the meetings when they have told her to stop. She just….didn't!! And of course, no punishment. Nothing changed.

And this folks is why “people don't want to work”. You have this women who is in her late 50s, micro-managing everyone in her department, who refuses to change, who makes mistakes daily that I have to fix, but because she has been here 20 years and is “in” with the upper management, there is nothing they can do. Bullshit. This women also makes constant mistakes. Like, not a day goes by where she doesn't screw something up, that she then makes me fix. I am totally checked out right now.

Now they want me to train 3 people into various tasks of mine. I am usually really thoughtful and helpful when this kind of thing happens, but I have not been trained correctly. I cannot train someone on something that I was still learning at the time of my notice.

What would you guys do here? I have 80 hours of PTO saved up, I could just take it, but I would be leaving them in the lurch for the end of this month, and I don't know if I would feel okay about that. WWYD?

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