
Quit my job early because my manager would “prefer I didn’t wait two weeks to leave”.

I've only ever had one “bad” exit from a job and thats only because the regional manager insulted my intelligence by over estimating my income (it was a commission job and I knew exactly what my average was). But this last one actually put me in a really bad mental state. Was at this job for about 1.5 years. Took advantage of their short term disability back in March and stayed out for the maximum time because my therapist at the time was helping me organize myself better and I kind of assumed my mental health problems may have snuck up on me without me realizing. Nope, went back to work immediately had to go back out and finally returned about 2 months ago. Mental health declined again over the last few weeks. Turns out I just hate how corporate functions and doing any kind of sales anymore and it…

I've only ever had one “bad” exit from a job and thats only because the regional manager insulted my intelligence by over estimating my income (it was a commission job and I knew exactly what my average was).

But this last one actually put me in a really bad mental state. Was at this job for about 1.5 years. Took advantage of their short term disability back in March and stayed out for the maximum time because my therapist at the time was helping me organize myself better and I kind of assumed my mental health problems may have snuck up on me without me realizing. Nope, went back to work immediately had to go back out and finally returned about 2 months ago. Mental health declined again over the last few weeks.

Turns out I just hate how corporate functions and doing any kind of sales anymore and it drains me. My job was in insurance, and they expected us to sell pretty much every type on every call or at least quote every type on every call. My therapist suggested easing back into doing that: my manager said she understands that but no that's not how it's going to work, even though I just came back from leave because of mental health strain I need to show numbers again immediately.

Okay cool, did great numbers last month, but still only really made offers on calls that had obvious need for them instead of throwing everything at people. Got told I'm not doing great. Next month (August) numbers were low and my calls also didn't reflect enough asking. Was basically told I was on a performance plan for 60 days, but that my manager may not even wait that long to put me on an actual disciplinary program which the next step from there is being fired. Told constantly how she's getting pressure from her bosses and that my numbers are hurting everyone (we were in the top 10 in our district last month and I also had the most positive feedback from members in a single day).

That doesn't help me improve shocked pikachu face
So the next 3 times I see her I'm told basically either I quit or I'm going to get fired. Now I feel pressured to leave because I'm being boxed into a corner and there doesn't feel like there's enough time to pull up from my now free fall because of the threats to my job.

Finally put in my notice today and say I am putting in my two weeks, what my manager ACTUALLY says to me:
“You don't have to put in two weeks, you can leave immediately. I'd actually prefer it if you do.”

I'm extremely tired of the corporate round about and I'm mentally drained, unemployed, scared I'm not going to find another job, don't have anything beyond a months buffer room because I live in an expensive state and can't afford to save much, and feel absolutely flabbergasted that my manager essentially thought I was so shit at my job that she didn't want me there another 2 weeks so I'd have at least another paycheck. She also had the nerve to ask me if I had anything else lined up and when I said no asked me if that's stressing me out and when I said yes respond with “yeah…I'm sure something will come along.”
(Ps, I have been applying and looking for something within my pay range for at least the last two to three weeks).

Tl;Dr manager tells me she'd prefer it if I leave asap instead of waiting two weeks after she spends nearly two months telling me I'm going to get fired and I should probably make my mind up to leave before that happens.

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