
Quit my job today, gonna vent a little

TL;DR I quit today after about 10 months on the job due to being exploited by the people I help. ​ I don't want to get too specific as to the job I did or where, so I have to be a little vague. I worked on a small team in a big company, and we provided support to the rest of the company. The pay wasn't bad for this area, but I did wish for more money given the amount of work I was given. I was also bothered that my company didn't provide PTO and sick leave separately, given the high exposure to health risks in this job. I also can't say much about the actual work, I was good at it and I didn't mind most aspects of my job, aside from these issues. The biggest issue I had was the people I helped. Every once in…

I quit today after about 10 months on the job due to being exploited by the people I help.


I don't want to get too specific as to the job I did or where, so I have to be a little vague.

I worked on a small team in a big company, and we provided support to the rest of the company. The pay wasn't bad for this area, but I did wish for more money given the amount of work I was given. I was also bothered that my company didn't provide PTO and sick leave separately, given the high exposure to health risks in this job. I also can't say much about the actual work, I was good at it and I didn't mind most aspects of my job, aside from these issues.

The biggest issue I had was the people I helped. Every once in awhile you would get someone nice, and feel happy to help them. Most of the time, people were entitled, rude, and demanding. I frequently had issues with people trying to take advantage of my desire to help them, or more often take advantage of the fact that I didn't have the power to tell them no. People had the power to put me in positions where I could not say no, or make unreasonable demands. No, I can't do X for you, I am not trained to do so. No, I can't do Y for you, because that would involved maintenance and g-d knows who else. No, I think you can change your batteries yourself, I am really busy helping the other hundreds of people who work here, too.

I don't want to seem ungrateful to my team. They've expressed that this is how the job is, and the pay is pretty good for the area, but the tax to my mental health is genuinely too much. I don't foresee anything changing at this company any time soon, so I had to leave for my own benefit. I don't have another job lined up, so I am assuming a lot of risk. I hope that hits home how bad it really was, even if my words were not enough to express how tortuous this role was for me.

I hope I'm able to find a better position elsewhere soon, otherwise I do have an undesirable, but mostly secure back up plan long term.

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