
Quit new job after a week. Boss went on rant about Chinese psy-ops

So I started a new job on a golf course working in the kitchen as a line cook. First week goes by not really any issues other then messing up my schedule and not fixing it after asking 7 times to do so. Well I came in to work this morning and first thing I hear is my boss listening to Jordan Peterson on the speaker for all of us to hear. That was the first red flag of the day, then a few hours later I get to hear him go on a crazy unhinged rant about how the Chinese government is using psy-ops to destabilize America and other countries. It was truly insane to listen to. Then the final straw was when another co-worker decided to make a joke at the expense of both Mexican and black people. So to say the least I just walked out and…

So I started a new job on a golf course working in the kitchen as a line cook. First week goes by not really any issues other then messing up my schedule and not fixing it after asking 7 times to do so. Well I came in to work this morning and first thing I hear is my boss listening to Jordan Peterson on the speaker for all of us to hear. That was the first red flag of the day, then a few hours later I get to hear him go on a crazy unhinged rant about how the Chinese government is using psy-ops to destabilize America and other countries. It was truly insane to listen to. Then the final straw was when another co-worker decided to make a joke at the expense of both Mexican and black people. So to say the least I just walked out and I have dealt with racism in the workplace but a crazy conspiracy theorist was not on my bingo card. Sorry also for the format I'm new and on mobile

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