
Quit without another job or slack off?

I'm a contractor (no benefits) at a horrible company with a toxic work environment and no work life balance. My manager is manipulative and erratic and I've spent six months trying to make this work because the prospect of being unemployed is scary. But I can't keep doing what I'm doing. I'm losing sleep, my hair is falling out from stress, I feel sick all the time. I have applied to 20+ jobs in the past few months and not even gotten an interview. I'm a highly skilled candidate with good experience but this job market scares me. I've seen people give the advice to stay in your current crappy job but just start phoning it in and barely do any work while you seek other employment. But I'm a “star” employee rn who is constantly told I'm the MVP of the team and they'd give me a glowing review…

I'm a contractor (no benefits) at a horrible company with a toxic work environment and no work life balance. My manager is manipulative and erratic and I've spent six months trying to make this work because the prospect of being unemployed is scary.

But I can't keep doing what I'm doing. I'm losing sleep, my hair is falling out from stress, I feel sick all the time.

I have applied to 20+ jobs in the past few months and not even gotten an interview. I'm a highly skilled candidate with good experience but this job market scares me.

I've seen people give the advice to stay in your current crappy job but just start phoning it in and barely do any work while you seek other employment. But I'm a “star” employee rn who is constantly told I'm the MVP of the team and they'd give me a glowing review to anyone who asked.

My question is: what's more detrimental to your career/life, burning a bridge with your manager and coworkers by turning into an empty uniform? Or quitting with nothing new lined up.

Help me figure out how to survive this pls

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