
“Quite Quitters are Just Lazy!”

I hate this line, so many people use this line without knowing what it really means. Why the fuck would anyone give extra or take on more work at work with no additional competition? Muh overtime doesn’t cut it. I rather do my 8 hours of work and go. And the shame that some mangers give us is stupid. Nobody cares about your company culture or any other corporate bs. We’re here to make our money and leave. It’s a completely transactional relationship. Don’t expect or even shame employees because they come into work and work and leave after their work day is complete because they won’t go above and beyond for your company.

I hate this line, so many people use this line without knowing what it really means. Why the fuck would anyone give extra or take on more work at work with no additional competition? Muh overtime doesn’t cut it. I rather do my 8 hours of work and go. And the shame that some mangers give us is stupid. Nobody cares about your company culture or any other corporate bs. We’re here to make our money and leave. It’s a completely transactional relationship. Don’t expect or even shame employees because they come into work and work and leave after their work day is complete because they won’t go above and beyond for your company.

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