
Quitting a student position

So, I’m in X-ray school. I have been working as a student tech in a CT position. This position is pretty much the shitty shifts nobody wants, every Friday night and every holiday. There’s two other students that work CT with me. I have worked both July 4th and Labor Day both 16 hours days (we started working in June). There was one other student that has worked ONE holiday and only a 10 hour shift at that. Well, I got a better opportunity to work in the area I want to work in after I graduate. So, I put in my notice for CT and told them I’d work the rest of the schedule that’s out which was a month in advance at the time. Before I put my notice in I asked off for thanksgiving because I knew I’d have to work it if I didn’t ask off…

So, I’m in X-ray school. I have been working as a student tech in a CT position. This position is pretty much the shitty shifts nobody wants, every Friday night and every holiday.
There’s two other students that work CT with me. I have worked both July 4th and Labor Day both 16 hours days (we started working in June). There was one other student that has worked ONE holiday and only a 10 hour shift at that.

Well, I got a better opportunity to work in the area I want to work in after I graduate. So, I put in my notice for CT and told them I’d work the rest of the schedule that’s out which was a month in advance at the time.

Before I put my notice in I asked off for thanksgiving because I knew I’d have to work it if I didn’t ask off and it turns out that’s the last week I am on the schedule.
Fast forward to last week, my boss texted me and said since I asked off for thanksgiving I’m having to work Christmas. I said sorry I have to work in X-ray that day because we drew for holidays the first day we started so I’ve been on X-rays Christmas schedule since June. He said okay that’s fine. The next day, the scheduler, who has always given me problems and is ALWAYS taking advantage of my niceness (which is a whole story for another day) asked me what the boss said about Christmas. I said he asked but I said I work in X-ray. She then proceeds to tell me that that was the deal for me getting thanksgiving off was that I have to work Christmas in CT.
First, this is the first time this has ever been said to me and second, I will have already been not working for that department for an entire month!

The best part is the boss, scheduler, and all the favorites workers are on the schedule for either thanksgiving or Christmas which NEVER happens. It’s fun when entitled people get what they deserve.

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