
Quitting my Drive In Job?

From October 1st-April 30th, I work a national team staff job during ski season in Europe since 2021, we work 9-14 hours days depending on if training or race day, lives out of 6 bags on the road, make six figures, have full benefits. In the Summer, I work at a drive in seasonal restaurant since 2019 for kicks and giggles, very flexible scheduling, 32 hours per week, walk to work, I really don’t need the money, something to keep me busy. I always quit September 15th-29th to get ready for Europe. Every season, it never fails to surprise my boss when I put in my quit notice in for September 29th, 2023. Gave him a month notice to hire more people or whatever, he will not hire. Boss: If you quit, we’re going to close October 1st and people want us to go into October. We can’t have a…

From October 1st-April 30th, I work a national team staff job during ski season in Europe since 2021, we work 9-14 hours days depending on if training or race day, lives out of 6 bags on the road, make six figures, have full benefits.

In the Summer, I work at a drive in seasonal restaurant since 2019 for kicks and giggles, very flexible scheduling, 32 hours per week, walk to work, I really don’t need the money, something to keep me busy. I always quit September 15th-29th to get ready for Europe.

Every season, it never fails to surprise my boss when I put in my quit notice in for September 29th, 2023. Gave him a month notice to hire more people or whatever, he will not hire.

Boss: If you quit, we’re going to close October 1st and people want us to go into October. We can’t have a day shift without you.” Begs me to stay and I say NO. My boss really likes, values me and not a shift supervisor.

Feels like all the restaurant weight is on my shoulders. It always seems like it’s my fault and I am to blame. My boss knows I leave for Europe on October 1st every year since 2021.

My thought: If you want to stay open into October, you know I leave October 1st every year, plan out your staffing and hire more people.

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