
Racist comment at work

Apologies for formatting as I am on mobile. Last month, on my first meeting with our CRO and Head of Sales- our CRO made a racist comment comparing me and my Asian coworker to North Korea and South Korea. The CRO has also made comments to our Indian coworker saying to perform a “song and dance” for the group. My coworker and I have both submitted complaints and HR seems to really be protecting the CRO and hasn’t reached out to our witnesses who submitted grievance forms. We are feeling defeated as HR told us that they will talk with him and implement “DEI Training” not just for him but for everyone in the company. Is there anything we can do?

Apologies for formatting as I am on mobile.

Last month, on my first meeting with our CRO and Head of Sales- our CRO made a racist comment comparing me and my Asian coworker to North Korea and South Korea.

The CRO has also made comments to our Indian coworker saying to perform a “song and dance” for the group.

My coworker and I have both submitted complaints and HR seems to really be protecting the CRO and hasn’t reached out to our witnesses who submitted grievance forms. We are feeling defeated as HR told us that they will talk with him and implement “DEI Training” not just for him but for everyone in the company.

Is there anything we can do?

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