
Raged quit an interview.

So this was several years ago but it still lives rent free in my head. I wanna know what all of you guys think. I had worked in a group home for at risk youth. I had 5+ years at one location and in that field, you’re considered a veteran staff. I moved from Florida all the way up to Vermont. I was still certified in cpr and all that jazz. I applied to another group home here in Vermont. I thought me being a veteran staff, they would be begging me to come work there. I showed up and it was a group interview. It was 8-10 total people. Huge red flag right there. They drop this little nugget on us halfway thru the interview/tour around facilities. Apparently everyweek youde work Wednesday 2pm to 10pm, Thursday 2-10 but then Friday we are to work 2 to 10pm,, then CLOCK…

So this was several years ago but it still lives rent free in my head. I wanna know what all of you guys think.

I had worked in a group home for at risk youth. I had 5+ years at one location and in that field, you’re considered a veteran staff. I moved from Florida all the way up to Vermont. I was still certified in cpr and all that jazz.

I applied to another group home here in Vermont. I thought me being a veteran staff, they would be begging me to come work there. I showed up and it was a group interview. It was 8-10 total people. Huge red flag right there.

They drop this little nugget on us halfway thru the interview/tour around facilities. Apparently everyweek youde work Wednesday 2pm to 10pm, Thursday 2-10 but then Friday we are to work 2 to 10pm,, then CLOCK OUT but remain on site and sleep there, then clock in at 8am Saturday morning and work almost a double shift and leave at 10pm.

What the actual fuck right? I verified during the interview that the 10pm to 8am off clock is unpaid, but If a kid wakes up and becomes violent, we have to intervene, and we get paid just for the 10 or 15 minutes or however long the tantrum is.

I said rigt there that I’m not staying there for 32 hours in a row especially if you’re only paying me for 22 of those hours which is illegal

I walked out and 3 people followed me, but half the people stayed after I pointed out they are breaking the law and screwing you.

Everyone’s thoughts?

Oh, and this was all for practically min wage which was around 10 bucks an hour 7-8 years ago

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