
Rant about the shite we have to take

I work as a carer assistant for the elderly, honestly almost all the residents are bloody wonderful! However the management is utterly dreadful! we had to deal with 27 residents between only 4 members of staff (alot of times it's just been 2,once just me.) we had no gloves to protect ourselves and residents, and were told to get on with it or leave. we were told to not take our breaks because we fell behind a member of staff ligit fainted from exhaustion, yet they still won't assign enough staff, they just take staff from other areas (often the dementia care side (which needs 5,because 1 person is needed in the lounge) I keep getting pressure into staying a 12 hour shift, the nurse keeps guiling me to do it. If I didn't genuinely love seeing the residents and need money i just wouldn't show up. I didn't even…

I work as a carer assistant for the elderly, honestly almost all the residents are bloody wonderful!

However the management is utterly dreadful!

  • we had to deal with 27 residents between only 4 members of staff (alot of times it's just been 2,once just me.)

  • we had no gloves to protect ourselves and residents, and were told to get on with it or leave.

  • we were told to not take our breaks because we fell behind

  • a member of staff ligit fainted from exhaustion, yet they still won't assign enough staff, they just take staff from other areas (often the dementia care side (which needs 5,because 1 person is needed in the lounge)

I keep getting pressure into staying a 12 hour shift, the nurse keeps guiling me to do it.

If I didn't genuinely love seeing the residents and need money i just wouldn't show up.

I didn't even sleep last night.

I can't wait till i find a new job and can whistle blow on this home, it's fucking disgusting!

They don't even pay us properly, I'm very sure I'm not getting paid what i am owed, other carers have left because the manger makes them do senior carer responsibility but refuses to pay us more.

The amount of times i didn't get a break, or was left on my own or pressured into doing care for someone that needs 2 people on my own.

It's so fucking stupid, we get treated shitty, so staff leave which puts more pressure on us.

Plus we get told we need to help eachother out, which means us carers do their jobs too! We often have to wash the dishes because they don't have enough kitchen staff or we have to work in the kitchen / housekeeping.

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