
Rant about this sub, being used up as a freelancer, and shit coworkers

I want to say I like this sub and I'm referring to a particular group of users They assumed I got fired for asking to take my break later, scolded me for it, “risking my employment” some were suggesting ass kissing.. 1)This is anti work and yall are scolding me for advocating for myself at work and not asskissing instead? 2)I didn't say anywhere on that post that I was fired. I also said I'm a temp as in I do temp work.. I am self-employed I deleted that post and blocked all those people so you'd have to use that deleted-post site. // I posted about working a job without a set break time. I wanted to charge my phone after being out with the delivery driver before going outside on break Manager gave me an attitude after asking if I wanted to take my break rn I said…

I want to say I like this sub and I'm referring to a particular group of users

They assumed I got fired for asking to take my break later, scolded me for it, “risking my employment” some were suggesting ass kissing..

1)This is anti work and yall are scolding me for advocating for myself at work and not asskissing instead?

2)I didn't say anywhere on that post that I was fired. I also said I'm a temp as in I do temp work.. I am self-employed

I deleted that post and blocked all those people so you'd have to use that deleted-post site.


I posted about working a job without a set break time. I wanted to charge my phone after being out with the delivery driver before going outside on break

Manager gave me an attitude after asking if I wanted to take my break rn

I said no, a little later (as in within the next 10-30) and asked if there was anything else I can do

She said no, it was going to be busy so I had to take it right then, then I was sent home becsuse its slow immediately after .

It's true that it was slow, I was told it usually is on Monday

I didn't like being lied to or this company's tendency to send me home hours earlier than what I signed up for.

A (temp) coworker from that business decided he wasn't going to listen while the manager was giving instructions and asked me to move out his way

I didn't know who he was or why he was asking but of course I moved

At that time, I didn't hear her telling us what not to do (and yes I was listening and even gassing my self up in my head for being so attentive)

My coworkers, even though they were fucking up much worse theirselves, started talking about how I can't listen to instructions

It was the manager who gave me an attitude about my break too. My last shift there got canceled

I'm so upset. I was hoping my last shift would get cancelled because I get up at 3am to travel 2hrs, deal with the bs of working w other unpredictable humans, then get sent home early with much less pay than expected

It doesn't suck that it was canceled but I know the reason why is because I didn't speak up and tell her someone was asking me to move while she was explaining

My coworkers also made fun of me for not knowing where I was supposed to be

Then started complaining about how managers dip on new Temps and leave us to figure out our jobs
(Exactly what was happening to me. I have a different manager from the one who doesn't like me. There was an event, she was busy inside the building, told me to stay with the bartenders who moved on to a new job w the person she was looking for, and I didnt have a badge to go back. Thankfully she listened to me vent about what happened and was making her own mistakes. She was really nice and if it turned out that she was the one sending me home and cancelling me, i wouldnt feel bad but it happens immediately after bad interactions with the one who doesnt )

So yea. People (who are older and have been here longer, including my manager) made other, more severe mistakes like crashing into things, tossing boiling hot water right next to eating clients, going the wrong way

And it feels like shit to get shat on by the Temps who just got there and probably made mistakes after starting

One literally checked if I put the hot dog buns with the hotdogs buns or the burger buns.. (I didnt :0 and a few who were being mean to me tried to get to know me after foh)

And here is what I did wrong that made them treat me like this.. get ready.. drumroll please 🥁: I grabbed the soda she said not to grab because someone they were probably a lot nicer was asking me to move so he could work instead of listening

And interrupt me listening. Like what is it that you, a grown ass man, cannot bear to just wait for our manager to finish explaining what she wants


I came for nearly 200$ and left with about 115$

It's a shitty practice to hire freelancers with a set pay and end time, you will be sending them home much earlier regularly.

One business sent out weeks of shifts so that I was under the guise that I'd be making a little over 2k after I finished my work with them. They needed me for 3 shifts and canceled the rest

After a while of this happening, I asked one buisiness who did it to if I could stay and sweep for the last 30 minutes.

It ended up a huge fight. They told me they didn't want to pay me for that. A messy manager, while I had my belongings, headed towards the exit door and was explaining to an employee what happened turned around to tell me if I don't leave she's calling the police… I cussed her clean out

These people understand that we don't work for them when it's beneficial.

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