28m I am American came here as a legal immigrant, I've been in the states since I was 14 yo; with the current situation I decided to move with my parents and get a masters degree to see if I could earn more but its almost impossible to find job with no experience have been applying for hundreds of jobs for the past 4 months all for data analytics and data science entry level, still no luck. this summer I decided to go to my home country Colombia and spend a month here, and oh surprise I now know why im not finding any jobs, every single friend of family member my age I have in my home country works for an American company, and Im not talking call center jobs, is software engineers, cloud architects, data scientist, business analyst. and they are paid in dollars of course half of what they would make in the US but they don't live in the US they have much lower living costs; and don't get me wrong I love for people that I know to have good paying jobs. but corporate America is fucking everyone, they are over paying people here so local startups cannot compete to hire local talent, meanwhile in America they are not hiring and raising prices for everything. I was literally talking with my cousin he lives in colombia gets paid 3000 as a software engineer; he got an offer to earn more than double and be sponsored to move to california, he declined it because after the math he is saving way more here considering cost of living. I just have lost faith in this country, it seems this country elites will take as much as they can from the working/middle class while fucking smaller economies as well.