
Rant from a tired worker

Join me for a short rant if you feel inclined. I work in the US. Do the usual 40hrs. It’s Friday and I’m exhausted. Tomorrow I have to do chores and catch up on adult things and then maybe get to do something fun on Sunday or I’ll just anxiously await the start of the next work week. Im too tired after work to do anything fun. Even if I wasn’t tired, I barely have time between cooking dinner and getting a short work out in. It’s like work, cook, clean repeat every single day. I make ok money but never have the time to enjoy it. What’s the point (of working) if we only get to enjoy 2-3 weeks out of the entire year?? Oh and I don’t even have kids. I can’t fathom having them because I barely have enough time for myself. Are we supposed to just…

Join me for a short rant if you feel inclined. I work in the US. Do the usual 40hrs.

It’s Friday and I’m exhausted. Tomorrow I have to do chores and catch up on adult things and then maybe get to do something fun on Sunday or I’ll just anxiously await the start of the next work week. Im too tired after work to do anything fun. Even if I wasn’t tired, I barely have time between cooking dinner and getting a short work out in.

It’s like work, cook, clean repeat every single day. I make ok money but never have the time to enjoy it. What’s the point (of working) if we only get to enjoy 2-3 weeks out of the entire year?? Oh and I don’t even have kids. I can’t fathom having them because I barely have enough time for myself.

Are we supposed to just barely exist until we retire?? Why are 85% of my days spent just staring at a screen. It’s nauseating.

Edit: to add, it’s my dream to hike the AT or PCT and it makes me feel depressed knowing that I will likely never get that opportunity unless I’m willing to quit my job or wait until retirement. Why is it so unreasonable to check out for 6 months ONCE during your 40 working years??

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