
Rant: I wish I could win the lottery but my ex disagrees

I've been thinking about this a lot recently because of student loans going into repayment. My life would be so much easier if I won any amount of money, let alone a lottery jackpot (or if I was born into generational wealth lol). I grew up poor, did well in school, got a good degree, and I'm struggling with a very normal income in a relatively low COL city. I told my ex once that it'd be life changing (obvi) to win the lotto and he…disagreed? He said it would cause more problems than it would solve, which I thought was the dumbest response possible. I would LOVE to have rich people problems! He cited things like the large amount of taxes taken out (idc if I only get 60% of $1b lol) and people constantly asking for handouts. There is also a safety aspect depending on where you live,…

I've been thinking about this a lot recently because of student loans going into repayment. My life would be so much easier if I won any amount of money, let alone a lottery jackpot (or if I was born into generational wealth lol). I grew up poor, did well in school, got a good degree, and I'm struggling with a very normal income in a relatively low COL city. I told my ex once that it'd be life changing (obvi) to win the lotto and he…disagreed? He said it would cause more problems than it would solve, which I thought was the dumbest response possible. I would LOVE to have rich people problems!

He cited things like the large amount of taxes taken out (idc if I only get 60% of $1b lol) and people constantly asking for handouts. There is also a safety aspect depending on where you live, since your identity could be made public. He said some other reasons but I don't remember what they were, probably because I thought they were stupid.

I understand that everything has caveats but this man went through a largely similar life experience to mine – he also grew up poor and worked his ass off to get an education and now has a great job. So when I heard him say that, I damn near wanted to punch him. His other family members are still struggling financially and he doesn't dream of helping them out? Personally, I'd immediately buy my mom a house and a vacation. I don't understand how someone can be so dense. This conversation was one of the many reasons I dumped him.

Anyways just wanted to get that off my chest and hear other people's thoughts!

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