
Rant is it bad that i dont want to work full time

I dont know man i have no interest at all to work 40 hours. I am currently working 21 and its been great but i accepted 12 hours extra so i can make more and im not happy at all. I feel so bad though because my boyfriend and mom both think i need to work more. But i just hate it. Right now i work 4 hours a day and i really like it because i leave early and so i have the whole afternoon to myself. But now on saturdays i will work that 12 hour day i mentioned and i am so sad. Just even thinking about being there all day makes me want to lay down and forget about it. Especially on sundays. I go to church and i spend the day with my boyfriend and its so nice i wish it was like that everyday.…

I dont know man i have no interest at all to work 40 hours. I am currently working 21 and its been great but i accepted 12 hours extra so i can make more and im not happy at all.

I feel so bad though because my boyfriend and mom both think i need to work more. But i just hate it. Right now i work 4 hours a day and i really like it because i leave early and so i have the whole afternoon to myself. But now on saturdays i will work that 12 hour day i mentioned and i am so sad. Just even thinking about being there all day makes me want to lay down and forget about it.

Especially on sundays. I go to church and i spend the day with my boyfriend and its so nice i wish it was like that everyday. I also dont spend much. I always hated spending and if i do spend its always on utilities or rent or maybe a plant cause i love having plants. But thats it.

My mom thinks i need to work for a better car or a better phone but i have no desire. I used to be depressed and i do wonder if i dont like work because of that. However i dont know since ive been in church my depresión went away so im nlt sure if its that im lazy or that i have no desire for anything. I even want a family and child but i also have no desire to work more for my future Child to have a good life. Maybe im just too young to realize this.

I dont know man im sorry this was long i just needed to rant

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