
Rant: Manager making insensitive jokes over my physical health

Rant time because I keep reading all your posts and I can feel the rage from my old job brewing again, being reminder that these people are scum. Quick backstory, I have a heart condition called POTS, and at the time of getting hired, I wasn't aware of my condition. When I graduated high school, I got my first full time job, so I went into it with a lot of naivety, and was taken advantage of. I applied to be a cashier for a hardware store, and at this store we had 2 managers, one was a power hungry old bat, and the other was a 35 year old who didn't give two shits about anyone, anything, or her job, meaning she'd made us pick up for her slack when she felt like it. Well, not long after working there, I started to become sick, and constanly was lightheaded…

Rant time because I keep reading all your posts and I can feel the rage from my old job brewing again, being reminder that these people are scum.

Quick backstory, I have a heart condition called POTS, and at the time of getting hired, I wasn't aware of my condition.

When I graduated high school, I got my first full time job, so I went into it with a lot of naivety, and was taken advantage of. I applied to be a cashier for a hardware store, and at this store we had 2 managers, one was a power hungry old bat, and the other was a 35 year old who didn't give two shits about anyone, anything, or her job, meaning she'd made us pick up for her slack when she felt like it.

Well, not long after working there, I started to become sick, and constanly was lightheaded and on the verge of fainting, which was brushed off as me not wanting to stand at the register. Tbf, I did ask for a chair to accommodate this, which they rejected until eventually most of the other cashiers (bless them) began to angrily fight back on my behalf. Finally I got my chair, which was so low to the ground that doing transactions was impossible and you'd have to stand anyways.

She overworked me the most of the cashiers, because I was one of the few full time adult ones, (God forbid she covers me for my thirty minute lunch without coming back to my coworkers saying Blank was calling for you) but anyways, my body got so stressed out, that I began to develop tics. My arm specifically would move into uncomfortable positions without my control. It hurt so much, and I often would hit the register during a tic. My manager became so cruel. She began to imitate my tics, to customers nonetheless, and laugh at me for saying I don't feel good constanly. She said if she knew I was so weak she wouldn't have hired me. It really hurt because of the faces she'd make, the way she exaggerated my body's movements, and the fact that she'd laugh with my older coworkers and customers about how stupid I look.

She even recommended me pills for being a hypochondriac that her sis takes. After hearing that, I put my 2 weeks in, and got the pitiful “awww was it something I said?”

I'm happy I left, and I'm happy that my fellow cashiers said she was so upset that she had to work the registers during their shortage of cashiers, her least favorite thing. I'm also glad that my parents were the ones who wanted me to quit. They were so supportive, no one deserves to be treated less.

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