
(Rant) Older Generation Coworker vs Me, a Millenial

So this 50+ year old man interviewed amd got promoted into my same position after being an order picker in the warehouse for 5 or so years. He's now an inventory specialist and he is struggling. I honestly am looking at my manager sideways because I often wonder what questions she asked that made her think he was the best candidate out of 6. He's not even that old, but he acts like he's 70. Side note: I was pretty content with my job until he started. He barely knows how to type. Doesn't understand Google. I gave him suggestions to watch YouTube tutorials on how to use Google, file management, checking emails, etc. But he doesn't want to do that because that's his free time. So he expects me or our manager to hold his hand the whole time. Our whole job is investigating inventory discrepancies in the warehouse,…

So this 50+ year old man interviewed amd got promoted into my same position after being an order picker in the warehouse for 5 or so years. He's now an inventory specialist and he is struggling. I honestly am looking at my manager sideways because I often wonder what questions she asked that made her think he was the best candidate out of 6. He's not even that old, but he acts like he's 70. Side note: I was pretty content with my job until he started.

He barely knows how to type. Doesn't understand Google. I gave him suggestions to watch YouTube tutorials on how to use Google, file management, checking emails, etc. But he doesn't want to do that because that's his free time. So he expects me or our manager to hold his hand the whole time. Our whole job is investigating inventory discrepancies in the warehouse, using a database to generate reports and such. We all talked to him about this job before he applied. He assured us he would be great. Cut to 7 months later and he is constantly leaving early and handing off his work to our manager to finish. He also creates more work for me by either not doing his corrections/reports so the issues roll over to the next week when that section is mine or by constantly asking me how to do something. My answer is now “that's a [manager] question.”

So one day, I'm telling him to search for the answers, develop research skills either on or off the clock. Just level up your skills, dude. I'm doing so much of the work that's in our job description. I do not have time to help you, too. So he goes in on how my generation is lazy amd disrespectful! I couldn't believe my ears! My generation and younger are the reason productivity has skyrocketed over the years and his is the reason wages have stagnated. He says my generation has no patience and no respect for elders. Tells me I need to learn to be patient. So I interrupt him and say that I have unlimited patience for children and teenagers, but not adults. You're grown. Ask questions. Do research. Figure it out. That I'mlazy but he won't even take the time to learn new skills . I then go on to remind him I've helped with the same basic tasks at least 3 times a week and I'm done. You have notes. You have the resources we've emailed you. That's when I find out he doesn't know how to check his email and I want to riot.

I think it's great that someone with little education can move up and make a decent wage, I do feel like I'm paid pretty well to live alone in a MCOL area, but at least do the bare minimum. Feels like millenials and younger have always had these stringent expectations put on us at school and our careers. Like we're the ones that had to have damn near senior level qualifications for entry level jobs. Unpaid internships. I know every generation has it hard, but damn. This lazy MF called me lazy and i was upset! He's been in the position 7 months and can't even do the basic tasks that should be known at 3 months.

Before this, I was content at my job and only wanting to get a new one if I can find a remote job doing something to what I'm doing now. However, I'm at the end of my rope. I put in a professional development funds request for a certification that will give me a leg up in my job search and then I'm moving on as quickly as possible.

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