
Rant – RTO sucks

So, I work for this big-name company, and over the summer, they decided we all had to start coming back to the office. Honestly, it feels like nobody really wanted this except the folks at the top. We were doing just fine working from home, and all that talk about needing to be in the office for 'community' is bullshit. We never have face-to-face team meetings and solely communicate online. It’s been a few months now, and this daily commute is killing me—over an hour each way. It’s messed up my work-life balance and adds a lot of stress. I’ve thought about looking for another job, especially since I got a certification a couple of years back that I haven't really used. But the job market is tough right now, and I guess having this company on my resume might help me down the line. The kicker? This whole RTO…

So, I work for this big-name company, and over the summer, they decided we all had to start coming back to the office. Honestly, it feels like nobody really wanted this except the folks at the top. We were doing just fine working from home, and all that talk about needing to be in the office for 'community' is bullshit. We never have face-to-face team meetings and solely communicate online.

It’s been a few months now, and this daily commute is killing me—over an hour each way. It’s messed up my work-life balance and adds a lot of stress.

I’ve thought about looking for another job, especially since I got a certification a couple of years back that I haven't really used. But the job market is tough right now, and I guess having this company on my resume might help me down the line.

The kicker? This whole RTO thing was decided by the execs and the CEO, who, by the way, are now leaving because we got bought out. Feels like they dropped this on us and are now skipping out with their buyout money, leaving us to deal with the mess.

I wish they’d made RTO optional. I bet there are people who like being in the office, but there are plenty of us who don’t, for all sorts of reasons—disabilities, the cost in time and money, and hey, it’s not like we’re more productive in the office anyway.

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