
Rant – Tech industry

I never posted anything here but I felt like it would be a nice place to tell what I’m going through. I joined a tech company in November 2020 and at the beginning it was great, my manager at the time was a great person and he really helped me a lot and he had a great knowledge of the work. After a while I was promoted to Team Lead with a decent pay raise. Not only my manager was great but the people that I worked with was also very competent. Unfortunately, as all good things comes to an end, a lot of people left, including my manager and some new people arrived and that is when the problems started. Even though I was team leader I was not managing anyone, when my manager left I was put in charge to manage the team, even though I had no…

I never posted anything here but I felt like it would be a nice place to tell what I’m going through.

I joined a tech company in November 2020 and at the beginning it was great, my manager at the time was a great person and he really helped me a lot and he had a great knowledge of the work. After a while I was promoted to Team Lead with a decent pay raise.
Not only my manager was great but the people that I worked with was also very competent. Unfortunately, as all good things comes to an end, a lot of people left, including my manager and some new people arrived and that is when the problems started.

Even though I was team leader I was not managing anyone, when my manager left I was put in charge to manage the team, even though I had no experience in being a manager whatsoever. With extra responsibilities I asked for a change in title and compensation, they said that they would do it in July but of course, that didn’t happen.
My new manager is not from my area, he only cares about sales and account management and, me and my team are technical people so he has no idea what we do and how we do it and all his feedbacks for me makes no sense at all. Just to have an idea how he is, he fired one person because he was questioning how the product behaves

Aside from this I have a new colleague that works in another team but unfortunately is very related to what I do, he is like the most narcissistic and arrogant person I have ever met, he wants to join all the meetings and gives unsolicited suggestions, he makes up numbers just to prove he is right, he destroyed one of our products with the excuse that it would give us higher revenue and when I confronted him, because it didn’t increased,he just said that it was probably something that I did that is blocking things. He excluded me from important meetings and threads and always replies me with a fake laugh and an annoying smirk suggesting that I don’t know anything and I should be quiet.

Of course when I complained about him to my manager the response was to let it go cause he is under a lot of pressure, like Im not – of course it is worth it to mention that I’m a woman and 90% of the people I work with are men.

I notice that ever since I complained, 02 or 03 weeks ago, things are getting worse, I’m getting the sense that they want me to quit. Luckily I’m already doing interviews and I dream with my exit interview where I’ll be able to say some hard trues. My company had a layoff recently but the product I work on was not affected, I’m sure we will have another round of layoffs soon that will affect my team and no one from leadership is seeing that the reason for that is that revenue projections and the numbers are all made up by a lunatic that don’t know how to read a graph.

Just wanted to rent a bit as it has been so frustrating having to deal with ignorant people who think they are better than you, I don’t know if this is a sexist thing or if is the mentality of leadership but is infuriating having to manage a team, not getting not even a penny more for that super hard responsibility and as a plus, being called out for saying the obvious, the hard truth.

My current dream is to leave the company, even without any offer, spend 3 months learning a new language, relaxing, maybe travel, improving my skills and then get a new job. I do have some money but I don’t think is enough for that, unfortunately rent and bills don’t care if you have a mental break down every week because you don’t want to work with this kind of people anymore, and that is another hard truth.

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